Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D 5 Gallon Pail

$ 480.00

Estimated Lead Time 59 Business days
Minimum order Quantity (MOQ): 96 pails

SKU: ROYCO770-5GL Category: Tag: Brand:


Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D 5 Gallon Pail

Royco 770 is a super clean synthetic hydraulic fluid developed to meet the severe duty demands of today’s military and industrial equipment. Rust inhibitors are utilized to provide protection to ferrous components and modern additive technology is employed for oxidative stability, corrosion inhibition, and antiwear protection.

ROYCO 770 is designated as a P-15 protectant according to the Mil-STD-2073-1D standard.

Intended Use of Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D

Royco 770 is intended for use in severe duty applications requiring extremes in environment and/or extended time periods between operation such as tank and howitzer recoil mechanisms and hydraulic systems, snow removal, earth moving and heavy duty construction equipment, and industrial robotic hydraulic systems. Royco 770 is especially recommended in applications where rust protection together with a high flash point can afford an extra margin of safety and fire protection.

Advantages of Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D

  • Excellent rust and corrosion inhibition
  • Outstanding antiwear properties to extend life

Compatibility of Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D

ROYCO 770 should not be used in aviation hydraulic systems without prior evaluation and should not be used in
systems in contact with natural rubbers. Intermixing ROYCO 770 with petroleum base stocks will reduce fire resistant properties.

Qualifications/Specifications Met: Royco 770 Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid MIL-PRF-46170D

ROYCO 770 meets all requirements and is qualified against MIL-PRF-46170D Type 1 . ROYCO 770 Type 2 is
not a standard offering and requires a special order. A Type 2 fluid is no longer required under MIL-PRF-46170D.

MIL-PRF-46170D Type 1

NATO Code H-544


MSDS – ROYCO 770 >>

PDS – ROYCO 770 >>

Additional information

Weight 38 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 13 in




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