Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 Solvent

SKU: MSPFS1-7KG Category: Tag: Brand:


Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 Solvent

Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 Solvent is a low molecular weight perfluoropolyether which can be used in many industrial applications. PFS-1 performs well in many electronic and semiconductor cleaning applications such as:

  • Pump and compressor cleaning
  • Vapor blanketing
  • Degreasing
  • Flash point reduction
  • Dewatering
  • Trace residue elimination

Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 solvent has been formulated to be compatible and completely miscible with perfluoropolyether (PFPE) and perfluorocarbon fluids at all temperatures and chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) oils and greases above 45°C. All of these materials are used extensively in semiconductor and electronic manufacturing. PFS-2 solvent can also act as a diluent in the application of more viscous PFPE fluids or greases.

Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 is non-flammable and well suited for cleaning operations where:

  • solvents are applied to hot components
  • solvents are heated prior to application
  • solvents are pressure sprayed on components
  • solvents are used in forced air stream cleaning
  • extended immersion baths are required

PFS1 solvent can also act as a dilutent in the application of more viscous PFPE and CTFE fluids or greases.

  • Non ozone depletor
  • Extremely inert and non-toxic
  • Safe to use in the workplace
  • Guaranteed compatibility for pump cleaning applications where inert fluids are used
Typical Properties PFS-2 PFS-1
ODP (ozone depletion potential) zero zero
Boiling Point (ÂșC) 57 90
Density at 25ÂșC (g/ml) 1.65 1.69
Viscosity at 25ÂșC( cSt) 0.45 0.75
Vapor Pressure at (25ÂșC, torr) 228 100
Flash Point (ÂșC) none none
Surface Tension at 25ÂșC (dyne/cm) 10 14
Heat of Vaporization at boiling point (cal/g) 22 17

Material Safety Data Sheet:

MSDS-Galden Perfluorosolv PFS-1 Solvent >>

Galden is a registered trademark of Solvay.