AeroShell Grease 6 General-Purpose Airframe Grease 37.5 lb Pail

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AeroShell Grease 6 General-Purpose Airframe Grease 37.5 lb Pail

AeroShell Grease 6 is general-purpose airframe grease used primarily in plain and anti-friction bearings. It is made with a Microgel inorganic thickener, which provides outstanding low temperature torque properties and resistance to water. It has a useful temperature range of -40° F (-40° C) to +250° F (+121° C).

It is also used in other non-aviation applications requiring excellent low temperature lubrication properties. AeroShell Grease 6 is qualified under MIL-G-24139A and MIL-G-7711A (obsolete) specifications.

Intended Use AeroShell Grease 6 Airframe Grease

Whenever an aircraft is certified, all of the lubricants are specified for each application point on the type certificate. The type certificate will specify, either by military specification number or by specific product names, those products, which are qualified to be used. The FAA regulations state that only products qualified for specific applications can be used in certified aircraft.

Therefore, in aviation it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner or designated representative to determine which products should be used. Lubricant recommendation charts for specific aircraft should be consulted, or the original airframe manufacturer should be contacted for specific product recommendations.

Qualifications/Specifications Met by AeroShell Grease 6 Airframe Grease

AeroShell Grease 6 is qualified under MIL-G-24139A and MIL-G-7711A (obsolete) specifications.


MSDS – AeroShell Grease 6 >>

PDS – Aeroshell Greases for Aviation >>