| Safety & Wellness We believe all work related injuries are preventable. We watch out for each other and practice injury-free habits at home and at work. We make personal choices to promote a healthy lifestyle that includes appropriate work/life balance. |
 | Customer Focus We earn our customers’ business every day. Our actions are driven by customer insights and helping them create value. |
 | Innovation We leverage creative market insights and expertise to maintain and grow our competitive advantage. We create breakthroughs by relentlessly asking “why” and “what if.” We act decisively and accept inherent risks to bring innovative approaches and practical solutions to our markets. >>Learn More |
 | Performance Driven Team We act as owners of the company with a bias for action and a can-do attitude. We contribute our best to the team and accept personal responsibility for our performance and development. |
 | Diversity & Inclusion We create an inclusive global culture where everyone can do their best work. We seek out different points of view and engage in conversations to enrich our ability to generate fresh ideas. |
 | Sustainability We are good stewards of our company, environment and world, ensuring success today and for future generations. |
 | Honesty & Integrity We are trustworthy in all relationships. Our actions match our words. We do the right thing at all times. |